Ep 54: Layla Zaidane | Is there more cooperation happening in government than we are led to believe?

If you believe the 24-hour news cycle or the pundits pontificating on social media, we are as polarized politically as we can possibly be and every issue leads to gridlock.

My guest this week, Layla Zaidane, believes differently, and she has good reason to. In her role as the President and CEO of the non-profit Millennial Action Project, Layla is a part of making bipartisan cooperation happen across the United States on issues as big as criminal justice reform, gun violence, veteran employment, and immigration.

Layla and the Millennial Action Project team understand that you can hold different beliefs on big issues and still be a good person, and that when it comes down to it, political discourse that is grounded in empathy and seeking common ground can actually achieve big things.

Connect with Layla and the Millennial Action Project team online at https://www.millennialaction.org and on Twitter.


Ep 55: 'Often wrong but never in doubt'


Ep 53: Rebecca Pacheco | Mindfulness and its role in helping us show up fully and compassionately